Thursday, September 22, 2011


“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those
who cannot read and write, but those who cannot
learn, unlearn and relearn." 
                                  - Alvin Toffler -

From A-Z, Helping Teachers Work Smarter not Harder in the 21st Century Classroom, is a wonderful blog  created by Ann Zimmer, co-Director of the Center for 21st Century Classrooms.

The blog provides a wealth of materials, media and links, that are invaluable for educators who are challenged by the educational systems and general state of learning in the new century.  This website provides great suggestions and discussion points that will help educators to understand the basis for changing the paradigms in our classrooms as we prepare students for a world that is no longer predicatable and shrinks with each new technological shift. 

I truly believe that Ms. Zimmer has spent time in my classroom as  the video piece she created called "The Challenge", quotes Alvin Toffler and the 21st Century definition of illiterate, brings in pieces from "Shift Happens" on the job market and   ties in many aspects of the Three C's, communication, critical thinking and collaboration. 

The Challenge
from the A-Z Blog

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